在过去的几年中,提出了多种基于深神经网络(DNN)的方法,以解决来自未取消采样的“ K-Space”(傅立叶域)数据的挑战性不足的反向问题。然而,反对采集过程中的变化和解剖学分布的不稳定性表明,与其经典的对应物相比,DNN体系结构对相关物理模型的概括不佳。较差的概括有效地排除了DNN适用于临床环境中不足采样的MRI重建。我们通过引入物理培养的DNN体系结构和培训方法来提高DNN方法的泛化MRI重建能力。除了模型体系结构中观察到的数据外,我们的体系结构还编码底面采样掩码,并采用适当的培训方法,该方法使用与各种无底采样掩码生成的数据一起鼓励模型概括了未散布的MRI重建问题。我们通过对公开可用的快速MRI数据集进行了广泛的实验,证明了我们的方法的附加价值。我们的物理提出的方法达到了增强的概括能力,这使得与获得的稳健性和解剖学分布的变化相比,尤其是在病理区域中,与香草DNN方法和DNN进行了显着提高,并在病理区域中进行了显着提高,并且受过培训的DNN训练,并接受了强烈的掩盖掩模的增强。接受训练的模型和代码以复制我们的实验,将在接受后用于研究目的。
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Dynamical systems are found in innumerable forms across the physical and biological sciences, yet all these systems fall naturally into universal equivalence classes: conservative or dissipative, stable or unstable, compressible or incompressible. Predicting these classes from data remains an essential open challenge in computational physics at which existing time-series classification methods struggle. Here, we propose, \texttt{phase2vec}, an embedding method that learns high-quality, physically-meaningful representations of 2D dynamical systems without supervision. Our embeddings are produced by a convolutional backbone that extracts geometric features from flow data and minimizes a physically-informed vector field reconstruction loss. In an auxiliary training period, embeddings are optimized so that they robustly encode the equations of unseen data over and above the performance of a per-equation fitting method. The trained architecture can not only predict the equations of unseen data, but also, crucially, learns embeddings that respect the underlying semantics of the embedded physical systems. We validate the quality of learned embeddings investigating the extent to which physical categories of input data can be decoded from embeddings compared to standard blackbox classifiers and state-of-the-art time series classification techniques. We find that our embeddings encode important physical properties of the underlying data, including the stability of fixed points, conservation of energy, and the incompressibility of flows, with greater fidelity than competing methods. We finally apply our embeddings to the analysis of meteorological data, showing we can detect climatically meaningful features. Collectively, our results demonstrate the viability of embedding approaches for the discovery of dynamical features in physical systems.
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Generative models are becoming ever more powerful, being able to synthesize highly realistic images. We propose an algorithm for taming these models - changing the probability that the model will produce a specific image or image category. We consider generative models that are powered by normalizing flows, which allows us to reason about the exact generation probability likelihood for a given image. Our method is general purpose, and we exemplify it using models that generate human faces, a subdomain with many interesting privacy and bias considerations. Our method can be used in the context of privacy, e.g., removing a specific person from the output of a model, and also in the context of de-biasing by forcing a model to output specific image categories according to a given target distribution. Our method uses a fast fine-tuning process without retraining the model from scratch, achieving the goal in less than 1% of the time taken to initially train the generative model. We evaluate qualitatively and quantitatively, to examine the success of the taming process and output quality.
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Although prediction models for delirium, a commonly occurring condition during general hospitalization or post-surgery, have not gained huge popularity, their algorithmic bias evaluation is crucial due to the existing association between social determinants of health and delirium risk. In this context, using MIMIC-III and another academic hospital dataset, we present some initial experimental evidence showing how sociodemographic features such as sex and race can impact the model performance across subgroups. With this work, our intent is to initiate a discussion about the intersectionality effects of old age, race and socioeconomic factors on the early-stage detection and prevention of delirium using ML.
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虽然视觉和语言模型在视觉问题回答等任务上表现良好,但在基本的人类常识性推理技能方面,它们会挣扎。在这项工作中,我们介绍了Winogavil:在线游戏,以收集视觉和语言协会(例如,狼人到满月),用作评估最先进模型的动态基准。受欢迎的纸牌游戏代号的启发,Spymaster提供了与几个视觉候选者相关的文本提示,另一个玩家必须识别它们。人类玩家因创建对竞争对手AI模型而具有挑战性的联想而获得了回报,但仍然可以由其他人类玩家解决。我们使用游戏来收集3.5k实例,发现它们对人类的直观(> 90%的Jaccard索引),但对最先进的AI模型充满挑战,其中最佳模型(Vilt)的得分为52% ,成功的位置在视觉上是显着的。我们的分析以及我们从玩家那里收集的反馈表明,收集的关联需要多种推理技能,包括一般知识,常识,抽象等。我们发布数据集,代码和交互式游戏,旨在允许未来的数据收集,可用于开发具有更好关联能力的模型。
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我们表明,具有随机性访问的神经网络可以通过扩增胜过确定性网络。我们称此类网络融合的神经网络或CFNN。我们表明,CFNN可以将$ d $维球的指标近似于任意准确性,仅使用2层和$ \ Mathcal {o}(1)$ Neurrons,其中显示了2层确定性网络所需的$ \ \欧米茄(E^d)$神经元,指数改进(ARXIV:1610.09887 [CS.LG])。我们证明了一个高度不平凡的结果,即对于几乎任何分类问题,都存在一个简单的网络,可以解决该网络权重的足够强大的发电机。结合了这些结果,我们猜测,对于大多数分类问题,有一个CFNN可以比任何确定性网络更高的精度或更少的神经元解决。最后,我们使用CIFAR10和CIFAR100上的新型CFNN体系结构实验验证了我们的证明,从基线提高了9.25 \%。
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异常检测是一种既定的研究区,寻求识别出预定分布外的样本。异常检测管道由两个主要阶段组成:(1)特征提取和(2)正常评分分配。最近的论文使用预先训练的网络进行特征提取,实现最先进的结果。然而,使用预先训练的网络没有完全利用火车时间可用的正常样本。本文建议通过使用教师学生培训利用此信息。在我们的环境中,佩带的教师网络用于训练正常训练样本上的学生网络。由于学生网络仅在正常样本上培训,因此预计将偏离异常情况下的教师网络。这种差异可以用作预先训练的特征向量的互补表示。我们的方法 - 变换 - 利用预先训练的视觉变压器(VIV)来提取两个特征向量:预先接受的(不可知论者)功能和教师 - 学生(微调)功能。我们报告最先进的AUROC导致共同的单向设置,其中一个类被认为是正常的,其余的被认为是异常的,并且多模式设置,其中所有类别但是一个被认为是正常的,只有一个类被认为是异常的。代码可在https://github.com/matancohen1/transformaly获得。
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Figure 1. The proposed pixel2style2pixel framework can be used to solve a wide variety of image-to-image translation tasks. Here we show results of pSp on StyleGAN inversion, multi-modal conditional image synthesis, facial frontalization, inpainting and super-resolution.
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